Get $100K+ in business Credit!
(even if your business is brand new and your credit is not that great...)

Here's what you're gonna get:

  • Live Business Credit Training and On-Demand Instruction on how to get as much business credit as you could ever need from local banks without ever having to show your financials 
  • ​Full Training System Step-by-Step Backyard Banking process (with over the shoulder modules) on how to quickly get business credit in today's climate
  • ​​Q&A Support Get your questions answered from Joe and other community members. Plus support your fellow members inside our exclusive community
  • Worksheets, Checklists, Resources to follow along with as you go through the training
  • Current Top Lenders Plus every month we add more lenders that students are getting approvals with (including local community banks and credit unions)
  • ​​​LIVE Zoom Calls! Group training calls each month on what's working now, where to get funding and how to grow your cashflow
  • Bonus Training Calls Access in depth training from industry leaders on marketing, real estate investing, plus Elite Club student case-studies!
  • Monthly Tutorials Things change fast in the business credit world, stay connected with the most up to date information (new business credit cards, best net 30 vendors, best no doc lenders, how to use business credit to boost your credit, how to pull cash off credit cards,  plus ways to use business credit to grow your monthly cash flow!
  • Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) to Get Business Credit Discover how Joe uses 4 different AI's to get a lot of local funding
  • How to Get Banks to Work with You Get banks "off the script" so you can have an open dialogue on how to get approved without showing financials
  • Getting Vehicles with Business Credit There are many programs out there where you can get a vehicle with no PG!
  • How To Get Approved for Funding...Without Getting Denied Due to Bad Credit or Low Revenue This is a common need for many startup business owners. The good news is that we have the solution!
  • BONUS: How to get Funding from Local Banks in other States that lend their own money. Some of the best approvals we've gotten are from using this technique!
  • 3 Stages to Getting Business Credit Setting up your company, boosting your personal and business credit scores, and getting unlimited funding from local banks!
When I first started my business, I did not have very much money. I just had an idea and the desire to get out of the “Rat Race.” Tired of working for someone else, I remember sitting alone on my lunch breaks, staring out the window, saying to myself “One day I’ll be free.” 

Ever have that feeling of knowing you were destined for more? Well, that feeling was keeping me up at night and I couldn’t take it anymore. I had recently read “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and “Think and Grow Rich” and the desire of wanting more out of my life was finally (slightly) greater than the fear of failing on my own.

I opened up my own business. I decided to invest in real estate. I wanted to buy foreclosed, beat up properties, fix them up and make a killing flipping them. Little did I know that not having any money to invest would almost cause my new “company” to fail. I thought I could just find the deals and the money would follow! Boy, was I wrong.

To get into my first deal, I used most of my personal credit cards. As a way to market and advertise that I was an Investor, who bought beat up properties I used even more personal credit. I eventually killed my personal credit score by maxing out my credit cards.

— Enter Business Credit —

I knew that I needed to find a new method to fund my business and as a result of seeking a better solution, I found Business Credit. The best part was that Business Credit does not show on your personal credit report. So I could max out my business credit cards and lines of credit (temporarily) and still appear virtually debt free!

I quickly ramped up my marketing and even ran radio ads thanks to this new found capital and as a result my business exploded. Its over 10 years later and I now enjoy the freedom and cash flow from having over 7 figures in unsecured business credit. I own many cash-flowing properties, flipped more than I can remember and recently bought my first apartment building. I'm finally living the life I've always wished for.

None of this would have been possible without business credit!

Take a moment.....
How would $100k+ in Business Credit change your business & life?!...
  • Launch or Scale your business
  • ​​Advertise on social media
  • ​Hire more employees
  • ​Do marketing for more deals
  • ​Buy real estate with no money out of pocket
  • ​Get Vehicles for your business
  • ​Upgrade equipment, computers, software, phone systems, etc. 
  • ​Buy more inventory 
  • ​Payoff debt
  • ​Create more products
But... I can't because....
There are lenders out there currently lending - you just need to find them.  They are looking for business' to lend to just like yours.

I felt the same way.  I needed to market & advertise to make profit but didn't have the means.  Once, we got Business Credit we were able to do the advertising we needed to sell and make a profit.  After, we made profit we paid the credit cards off and then we had money for the next project. 

What if I could tell you that it doesn't matter... What If I told you, YOU DON'T Need good personal credit to get business credit.. Would you let me explain it to you? & show you the way?!?

Let us help you get back on the highway heading for success.  No matter what type of business you are in we can help!
After over 10 years of education in Business Credit.. We know the secrets!

Get LIVE Business Credit Coaching Each Month
Plus On-Demand Training from the very Best!!

What we noticed after buying tons & tons of business credit courses & books... There was something always missing.. Either the companies didn't tell you directly which lenders were lending or they gave you false promises & lies!  ENTER Business Credit Workshop.  We are unique because we have a large list of lenders in the US (backyard banks) that we have personally called & interviewed and built relationships with.  We have the connections that you need! We keep things straight forward and realistic. 

We are on a mission to help business owners like yourself be successful!
My Business Credit
Want to know how business credit changed our business & saved us from being bankrupt?
We had such a HUGE desire to be financially independent and we knew working a 9-5 making $35k a year wasn't going to make us happy long term. We knew it was time to step up and making something for ourselves that we were passionate about.  We knew it was time..  The burning desire wasn't going away.  We used business credit to fund marketing, to hire employees, to rent a office & buy all the computers we needed to run a successful company.  

My wife and I were tired of using our personal credit & watching our credit scores DROP monthly.  We didn't want to ruin our credit, so once we got a few Business Credit Cards we transferred our personal debt over to the new business credit cards (which doesn't show your personal credit report) and we looked virtually debt free! Within a month our credit scores SHOT WAY UP! Now that we have great credit, we were able to get more and more credit and get into a better overall financial situation. 

Where you are you a real estate investor, trucker, eCommerce company, restaurant owner, attorney or even a small cleaning company, this is for you! Whatever company you have (big or small) Business Credit is needed and will help bring you extra profit and cash flow! And that's why I'm sharing with you this new opportunity.
Joe Lawrence is an author and investor from central New Jersey who helps small business owners obtain large lines of business credit. Working in real estate, he discovered methods to line up cash quickly as a means to fund his business. He takes pride in correcting the myth that only “older, large companies can obtain lines of credit.” His company, Business Credit Workshop, teaches the methods to develop a rock-solid business credit profile as well as the little-known techniques on how and where to obtain business loans in today’s market.
What started as a local, “Business Credit Workshop” (a seminar for small business owners) has grown into a full blown platform for those that need financing. In additional to local seminars, Business Credit Workshop now offers:

-Online Workshops and Training
-Coaching and assistance in getting credit
-A Simple Business Credit Approval Process (3 step process to getting business credit from lenders in your state)
-Case Studies, Education and Guides

Joseph Lawrence, CEO 
"Already obtained $40,000 through Santander Bank!"

Awesome and Informative! Joe Lawrence is very accurate!! Real information was provided and I would recommend it anytime to any business owner! The content presented was clear, simple and easy to apply and the concepts Joe taught in his course will have a tremendous impact on my business. I cannot thank you enough for what you have taught me. In just 5 weeks, I have already obtained $40,000 through Santander Bank!
Jonathan Dieguez

Special Offer Just for you!!
Full Business Credit Training Sysytem
Discover step-by-step how to build over $100,000 in unsecured business lines of credit for BRAND-NEW companies! Plus you'll receive Video Tutorials, Resources and Worksheets on how to implement these exact steps in our classroom! (VALUE $1,997)
Access our new private community of other small business owners that are not only getting business credit but using it to grow and scale their business! This is a place to learn and support one another and even get special coaching help from Joe Lawrence himself! (VALUE $497)
Monthly LIVE Training Lessons
Not sure which banks currently are lending? Best way to boost your credit score? Need a Q&A session? Well, our monthly lessons are for you! You get access to our monthly coaching calls on zoom so that you have the most up to date resources! We even reveal our top-secret source of lenders! (VALUE $9,853)
Top Business Credit Lenders!!
This up-to-date database reveals my favorite companies to get business credit from. I've interviewed the underwriters and attached their guidelines!! Could I make it any easier?? (VALUE $197)
Interview with a National Lender
Be able to hear right from the source about how to qualify & how to get business credit from a national lender. (VALUE $197)
Mind Map
Digital Download of Business Credit Workshop Mindmap. This Full Version Mindmap reveals step-by-step the technique you need to follow and why it works! (VALUE $197)
And, on this page only, we're going to include some exclusive bonuses you can't get anywhere else!
-Personal Credit Secrets
-How to Get your "business social security #" for FREE
-Audio Interviews with Banks and with Clients
-Special Report on Raising Private Money

  • Downloadable e-Books on the "Secrets to deleting negative entries from your credit report" and "How to maximize your credit score"!
  • Video on How to Quickly Get an ACTIVE DUNS Number for FREE. ($59 Value. DUNS # is basically a "business social security #")
  • Audio interview I did with the Vice President - Business Relations! Revealing what you need to do in today's market to obtain business credit!
  •  Special Report on "How to raise private money". This is no easy feat, but an important ability to develop, especially as a Small Business Owner
We are giving you EVERYTHING you will need to be successful with getting business credit!

How Great would it be to have an extra $100K in Business Credit?!?  What would it do to your Profit & Cash Flow?!
You're about to get our full system plus an amazing community that'll allow you to grow your business, have extra money to fall back on and allow you to fulfill your dreams!
14 Day Money Back Guarantee
14 Day - 100% Money Back Guarantee
We are so confident that you will find our System to be the most comprehensive, detailed and "to the point" Business Credit System available, that for any reason, you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money within first 14 days of purchase AND... the gifts are yours to KEEP!
My Passion!
“My passion is teaching people how to do what I’ve done for myself and have helped many students achieve: How to obtain six figures in business lines of credit for any company in any market! What really brings a smile to my face is when someone comes up to me and tells me how something I taught them, made a difference in their life. It is truly rewarding!”
Here’s A Recap Of
When You Purchase This AMAZING Offer!
  • Business Credit Workshop Full Course with Training Videos, Worksheets & Community (Value $1,997)
  • Video of "How to find unlimited Lenders" (Value $397)
  • ​Monthly LIVE Training Calls with Q&A (Value $9,853)
  • Top 10 Business Credit Lenders!! (Value $197)
  •  Interview with a National Lender (Value $197)
  •  Business Credit Workshop Mind Map (Value $197)
  •  Bonus - How to get a Duns # for free (Value $159)
Total Value: $12,997
But today, you're getting all of this...
For Only For $97/mo
No Minimums. You can Cancel Anytime

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between Elite Club and Coaching?
Elite Club is our middle tier program that includes monthly trainings on zoom, Q&A sessions, private community (that Joe is active in), our full training system and our top current lenders (including local and national banks). Plus there is a lot of bonus content in Elite Club to help you get business credit fast and increase your cash flow.

Coaching is by application only. It is about 10x the cost of Elite Club and includes more personal coaching from Joe (including email and chat support) and a list of local banks in your specific state that we interviewed. We do require an application to join coaching and we prefer to work with those that are already a part of Elite Club.
Is there any long term commitment with Elite Club?
No long term commitment! You can cancel anytime and we offer a 14-day money back guarantee.
What do I get with Elite Club?
You get our full Business Credit Workshop training system, top current lenders that students are getting approvals from, that we update each month, monthly zoom calls (including group training calls, calls with lenders, Q&A calls & strategy sessions), worksheets and checklists and resources, many bonus trainings (including using AI to get business credit, investing in real estate using business credit, marketing case studies of how to advertise using business credit, get a vehicle with only your EIN, grow your business cash flow and many more), plus our 3-step student roadmap to getting unlimited funding from local community banks and credit unions (to guide you along your journey) and your own private community (Elite Members Only)!

More Happy Clients! 😊

This morning I woke up to some additional responses from lenders and BOOM! 2 more BCC’s approved!!

Working with Joe Lawrence is a prime example of what happens when you do things alone versus doing things with a coach. I just crossed $100K in business credit in the last 30 days!

We’re just getting started and I appreciate the ability to learn new strategies and build authentic relationships with lenders by working with you Joe.

Earnest E., Fredericksburg, VA
Joe Lawrence's training helped me find the best lending banks in my area in just a short period of time.

Now I can fund my advertising costs and scale my business because I finally got approved for a handful of business credit lines, including $75K on the spot from just one community bank.

I couldn't have done it without Joe's training and I highly recommend you just do it. He is straightforward and you just have to follow the process.

Jonathan M., Diamondhead, MS
Only $97/mo
No Minimums. You can Cancel Anytime
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All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy...
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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

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